The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Dr. Lucas van de Volk

Class and Character Information

Career(s) Scholar
Homeworld Mushinag
Social Status5-Often off the Radar unknow scientist



Race AgeEthnicityEyesHair


An aging Vagr with highly intelligent eyes.


Lucas vin de Volk was born on the minor agricultural world of Mushinag. His large family and extended clan worked farms as part of the local fiefdom in the feudal technocracy of the planet. Lucas was always exceptionally bright, and being a younger Vargr in his family, he had more opportunity for education than older siblings. His brilliance caught the eye of their lord, and he was given an opportunity for a full scholarship, where he started his study of archaeology.

As he neared graduation, Lucas was noticed by a talent scout, Uum Muuuinsi. Uuma was impressed by the graduate, and she arranged for him to work in the field for his graduate work. Lucas soon found himself on a “Special Project” dig for the Imperium itself. After his first Doctorate in Archeology, he was noticed on the same site, by Fellow Vrgar, Dr. Atule Azlow, eccentric and brilliant researcher. Dr. Azlow ensured advancement for Dr. vin de Volk and even invited him to be part of the Doctor’s clan, which Lucas politely declined.

Lucas earned his second PhD in Robotics while working on the site. This was part of a significant breakthrough because of his use of robotic techniques. This was enough to have him return to the University work to teach and work on publishing papers to secret journals. However, he found he was also involved in special training of his own by a civilian contractor.

After training, Lucas was not surprised to be sent back into the field to engage in a new secret project on a remote world. There he engaged in archeological analysis and interpretation. While successful, the rough job aged him, and the first whiteness showed in his fur. He begged off an additional field placement and returned to the University. He was finally given leave to publish something public. At first this went well, within the community, but a high ranking member of the local government, Alderman Loumus Swain, was unhappy and moved against Lucas. Dr. vin de Volk refused to back down and moved forward anyway. Unfortunately, the notoriety was enough to cause him to lose his security clearance. At age 46, Lucas was done with the system.

game_systems/traveller/insearchoftheancients/characters/lucas.1697208058.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/13 10:40 by Bryan Stephens