The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Non Player Characters

Old Family and Friends

NameNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationship
Yanor FaelynFather, ElinaeElianeGood
Ileana FaelynMother, ElinaeElianeGood
Doolun’s LadsGang where Al Learned his TradeAlGood
Reynar CastelleFather, AzaleaAzaleaGood
Elanor YoffirMother, AzaleaAzaleaGood
TokotaTrainer of AzaleaAzaleaGood
DarryonFather, GrymarGrymarGood
CorinaMother, GrymarGrymarGood


NameNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationship
Shalelu AndosanaxxPartyGood
Ameiko KaijitsuxxParty/AlGood/Friends
Bethana CorwinxxPartyGood
Sheriff Belor HemlockxxPartyGood
Father Abstalar ZantusxxPartyGood
Aldern FoxglovexxPartyModerate
Ven VinderOwner, General StoreParty/AlModerate/Good
Shayliss VinderDaughter Ven, romancing GrymarParty/GrymarModerate/Good
Katrine VinderDaughter Ven, romancing Banny HarkerPartyNeutral
Brodert QuinkLocal SagePartyGood
Rynshinn PovallVernah's Fine ClothingPartyNeutral
Aesrick BattlehornGuildmaster, Carpenter's GuildPartyNeutral

Gressel Tenniwar at Fatman's feedback Jubrayl Vhiski (NE male human rogue 7), one of the Feedbag's regulars. Jubrayl is also the leader of the local gang of Sczarni

Mayor Kendra Deverin (NG female human aristocrat 4/ expert 3) didn't initially

Lonjiku Kaijitsu Tosko

Titus Scarnetti

Ethram Valdemar (NG male human aristocrat s/expert 2), the only one of the original members of the Sandpoint Mercantile League who is still alive. Ethram's yea

A flamboyant dwarf named Volioker Briskalberd (LG male dwarf rogue 2jexpert 3) has owned and operated Sandpoint's locksmith

A somber and quiet Shoanti man named Garridan Viskalai (LN male human expert 4) owns the White Deer (ALSO Create his 2 Daughters, Wife, 2 sons )

game_systems/pathfinder/runelords/npcs/major_npc_list.1715018579.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/06 14:02 by Bryan Stephens