The Roleplaying Diaries of Bryan Stephens

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Non Player Characters

Old Family and Friends

NameNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationship
Yanor FaelynFather, ElinaeElianeGood
Ileana FaelynMother, ElinaeElianeGood
Doolun’s LadsGang where Al Learned his TradeAlGood


NameNotesPlayer Character(s) RelatedRelationship
Shalelu AndosanaxxPartyGood
Ameiko KaijitsuxxParty/AlGood/Friends

Reynar Castelle and Elanor Yoffir were both Half-Elves that preferred the Shoanti life rather than deal with an all Elf or all Human town. The clan they chose to live as members of was the Shundar-Quah (the Spire Clan). Azalea was traveling with a group to mediate with another clan when the expedition was attacked by giants. As one of only 2 survivors she then focused on training as a fighter, and specifically giants. Tokota, the Shonti that also survived traveled and helped Azalea with her onus. Upon hearing of the troubles of Sandpoint her path seemed clear, travel to Sandpoint and help. Tokota gave her his blessing and returned to the Shundar-Quah.

Doolun’s Lads in the Underbridge

Grymar’s father, Darryon, was an elf of Mierani Forest entranced by the beauty of the human woman, Corina, who would be his mother. They had a brief affair, and Grymar was the result of that dalliance. He were raised alone by his mother in Riddleport. Even without his elven heritage, it was obvious the young boy was different. His golden eyes and blond hair had speculation he was an Aasimar, but Corina knew differently; she knew the truth.

Bethana Corwin (26)

Sheriff Hemlock, , and Father Zantus

Ven Vinder (20)

Shayliss Vinder (20)

Katrine Vinder (20)

Aldern Foxglove (21)

game_systems/pathfinder/runelords/npcs/major_npc_list.1715016190.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/06 13:23 by Bryan Stephens